Wednesday 24 May 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Jody Wilson-Raybould�s father calls missing and murdered inquiry a �bloody farce�

No, Foreign Interference Did Not Swing the 2015 Election for Trudeau
        Liberals add $142 million in spending to solve Phoenix pay problems
Ottawa unveils �supercluster� innovation plan
        Canada brings home 1 of 2 Aurora surveillance planes from anti-ISIS mission

Canada�s national security consultations get negative reviews from just about everyone
        Canada deploys alternate numbers as secret weapon in defence-spending fight
Ontario hydro rate cut will ultimately cost $21B, watchdog warns
        Are the Conservatives about to elect their own St�phane Dion?
What Donald Trump�s bad budget math means for the Tories
        Why terror attacks on children are truly terrifying
The power of �Why?�: The secret to making progress on public policy
        The Liberals are hinting at new rules limiting �foreign interference� in elections

Democracy In A Box
        Time for parliament to tighten election rules on third parties and foreign money
Policy-making and the Conservative Party

NDP MP Nathan Cullen on tour demanding electoral reform
        U.S. views on NATO polarized while allied support climbs
CPC leadership: Bernier�s to lose? Not quite, say insiders
        Andrew Scheer pushes unity message as Conservatives head to leadership convention
�Taxing the rich� gets biggest reaction in real-time survey of Budget 2017 speech
        Bank of Canada says uncertainty still clouds stronger growth, holds rate at 0.5%
A Conservative leader to stay the course or to find a new direction?
Brad Wall dealing with difficult present as questions about his future linger
Sask. government partnered with company linked to man who was wanted by China for fraud
        Much-discussed Senate �wise owls� book getting a rewrite after less than a month

BC Liberals maintain minority government in recount, with ballots still to count
        Canadian Museum of History aims to avoid CBC�s pitfalls with new exhibit
Food inspection reaches 20 with little notice
        Third-party election activities under scrutiny as complaints rise
Lethbridge woman charged with uttering threats against Sophie Gr�goire Trudeau
        10 crucial ridings to watch on Nova Scotia election night
Three ways the Conservative leadership vote could still get interesting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Quebec challenges of Jagmeet Singh

The political promise and perils of high-speed rail: It�s as expensive to ride as it is to build - Chris Selley, National Post
        B.C. election outcome still murky two weeks after vote - Dirk Meissner - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Judge urged to accept RCMP class action settlement so women can begin healing - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
        Supreme Court urged to clarify law on protection for journalists� sources - Colin Perkel - The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Andrew Scheer pushes unity message as Conservatives head to leadership convention - Alex Boutilier, Toronto Star
        Canada dives deep into data to make case to U.S. on NAFTA, says Freeland - Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Pharmacare? Great! How do we pay for it? - Jerry Agar, Toronto Sun
        Alberta power bills one step closer to a price cap - Emma Graney, Edmonton Journal
Rising star Jagmeet Singh could be Justin Trudeau�s worst nightmare - J.J. McCullough, Washington Post
        Lumber exports help push wholesale sales above $60-billion for first time- The Globe and Mail
Apple, Nokia end patent dispute and then quickly sign a new deal for deeper hardware partnership-
        A 10% mortgage hike would sink almost three quarters of homeowners, Manulife says- Linda Nguyen, CBC News
Google aims to connect online ads to real-world sales- CTV News
        Amazon prepares to bring checkout-free grocery store to U.K.- Sam Chambers - Bloomberg, Toronto Star


Un chien enterr� vivant � Saint-Paul-d'AbbotsfordPlus
        � 110 km/h dans une zone scolaire de 30 km/hPlus
Le taux directeur demeure inchang� � 0,5%Plus
        Manchester: le fr�re de l'auteur pr�sum� �tait au courant du projet d'attentat Plus
Manchester: une bombe �puissante et sophistiqu�e� affirme le New York TimesPlus
        La condamnation de Messi pour fraude fiscale confirm�e par la Cour supr�mePlus
La Cor�e du Nord pr�sente ses condol�ances � Londres apr�s l'attentat de ManchesterPlus
        L'EI revendique son premier attentat suicide en SomaliePlus
Une femme accus�e d'avoir menac� Sophie Gr�goire Trudeau Plus
        Un homme atteint par balle � Montr�alPlus

Un homme dans un �tat critique apr�s une bagarre Plus
        Philippines: la loi martiale dans le sud pourrait durer un anPlus
Rappel de p�t�s imp�riaux au poulet vendus chez Costco � Qu�bec et � L�visPlus
        M�lanie Joly impliqu�e de pr�s dans le choix de la commissaire aux langues officiellesPlus
Manchester : �On pleure tous un enfant aujourd'hui�Plus
        Chol�ra en Ha�ti: l'ONU veut puiser dans le budget de la MinustahPlus
Premi�res pi�ces du tr�sor de Toutankhamon au nouveau mus�e du CairePlus
        AL�NA: Mexique et Canada pour une ren�gociation tripartitePlus
Plus de la moiti� des propri�taires canadiens n'ont pas les fonds pour faire face � un impr�vu financierPlus
        La CIA avait averti Moscou contre toute ing�rence dans l'�lection 2016Plus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
DeVos: School choice opponents are �flat Earthers� - Rebecca Savransky, The Hill
        Donald Trump Is Destroying His Own Presidency - Ezra Klein, Vox
Will Republicans Lose the House? Don�t Bet on It - Wallison & Antos, Real Clear Politics
        Bipartisan lawmakers pledge support for pairing tax reform, infrastructure spending - Cristina Marcos, The Hill
Trump�s Anti-Terror Speech Will Make Things Worse - Richard Clarke, New York Daily News
        Trump Gets an A+ for Not Being Hillary Clinton - Kurt Schlichter, Townhall
Syria: Suicide car bombs hit Homs city, Damascus suburb- Al Jazeera
        Manchester bomber named by police- BBC News
Trump vows to push for Mideast peace in meeting with Abbas- France 24
        Yemen raid kills seven al-Qaida terrorists: US military- Reuters, The Times Of India
Former South Korean president Park Geun-hye on trial for corruption- Justin McCurry, The Guardian

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

British police make sixth arrest after Manchester bomb attack
        U.S. to boost sanctions on Iran, Syria, N.Korea: Treasury's Mnuchin
France, Germany to agree to NATO role against ISIS: sources
        Israeli defense minister says uneasy over US-Saudi arms deal
Trump budget proposal would make it 'impossible' for UN to work
        More donors can absorb 'shock' of any US cuts: new WHO boss
Taiwan court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, first in Asia
        Moody's downgrades China, warns of fading financial strength as debt mounts
U.N. seeks security for Syria gas attacks investigators
        Tackling women�s challenges in the real world

What if we lived in a meritocratic regime?
        The deadly sins of United States� imperialism
To unite Europe, Macron must break with precedents
        Good-looking scientists perceived as �less able�: study
Too much of a good thing: Bikes in China
        Previous                           Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: Ed Lack <>
Subject: Hello from Edward

I congratulate you for sliding in Bill Warners web site access about ISLAM  !!!!

Very good info which people are afraid to know.


Subject: Recent Manchester Bombing attack

Manchester Terror coming to your local cities, Wow and Canadian MP's are doing nothing.

ELITIST SURRENDER: BBC Host Says "Get Used To" � Islamist Terrorism
We know the elitists have failed to keep our societies safe. It turns out virtue-signaling and political correctness can't deter evil killers.

Yet, rather than take any steps to keep the citizens of the West safe , such as banning all those who leave our country to fight for ISIS
and try to come back � the elites are pushing an incredibly disturbing line of thinking: They want us to get used to terrorist attacks.
First instinct of the elites: Surrender us to violence and terror

The elites live behind walls and layers of security, so when they say "we need to get used to terrorism,"� they aren't talking about themselves
they're talking about us.

It's always the rest of us who get put in danger, and the elites are all too happy to surrender our safety if it means they can avoid tough decisions and continue to preach "diversity"� and "tolerance",� even as they refuse to condemn the horribly intolerant ideology of radical Islamism.

Katty Kay's ( BBC) statement shows the underlying attitude of the globalist elites. They aren't prepared to stand up for freedom or defend our right to be secure.

When the going gets tough, they'll retreat behind their security and their walls and leave us to deal with the consequences.

It's no wonder that the establishment elitist media is losing more and more public trust every day. They don't share our experiences, and they don't have anything at risk. As a result, they will never get to the truth, and they'll never represent us.

In Canada we should Protect ourselves from The Liberal Trudeau Government who is not considering the future Security issues in Canada by bringing in Muslim refugees that have not been properly cleared by our Customs and Immigration agents especially those that have been crossing into our borders from the USA with No Documentation.

Contact your Local MP to voice your opinion against open immigration.


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