Monday 10 April 2017


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Insider LeBreton backs outsider candidate O�Leary in race to lead Tories

Bill to legalize marijuana expected to be tabled on Thursday
        Liberal MP hosted event for Christian group whose president says Muslims want to �convert all Canadians�
Rocky political start shows B.C.�s Clark willing to take some risks
        Trudeau: Russia partly to blame for Syria attack, solution can�t include Assad

Kevin O�Leary�s big promises about GDP growth won�t pan out. Here�s why
        Analysis: On the eve of Malala visit, it�s clear Justin Trudeau has much work to do on gender equality
Ottawa to introduce legislation this spring that will address airline bumping
        Canada�s Prime Sycophant
�Scold collectives� like Fair Vote struggle for relevance
        To truly reinvent itself, the Senate must first prove its value
Federal Liberals threaten to repeat Ontario Liberals� corporate welfare
        Conservatives wrong to appease Liberals
The minimum age to buy pot should be 21, not 18
        Expect this election to get down and dirty
Thank God for Watergate

Conservative MP Tilson tells O�Leary �to his face� he won�t vacate his House seat
        Conservative leadership results to indicate level of MPs� influence in ridings, say Tory MPs
Liberals �will not give a veto� to Conservatives on House reform: Chagger
        National Research Council bought $8m in new laptops after hack
Canadians prioritize border security over aid to those crossing illegally
        Ottawa is rethinking its approach to immigration detention
Canada�s navy dealing with gaps in capability while waiting on new ships
        Fort William First Nation Chief to discuss status expansion with Ottawa
Health Canada turns to Facebook to find Indigenous kids in need of care
        Aiming for unity: Wab Kinew�s bid to lead Manitoba NDP starts today
B.C. Liberals pledge tax credits to seniors, caregivers for renovations
        Duelling toll promises as parties prepare for B.C. election writ
Manitoba government contemplates privatizing province-run air ambulances, water bombers
Political expert predicts �tough love� in 2017 Manitoba budget


Russia knew in advance of Syrian chemical attack: U.S. official
        Nikki Haley says �regime change� in Syria. Rex Tillerson doesn�t. What gives?
Spicer calls reports of White House infighting �overblown�
        Russian Navy Activity in Europe Now at Cold-War Levels: Admiral
US warns Russia over support for Syrian regime after chemical attacks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Trudeau says Bashar al-Assad must go, be held to account for �bloody actions� - CBC News
        Federal science panel calls for $1.3 billion in new money, overhaul in research system -
Feds change policy to ensure women giving birth away from reserves aren�t alone - Kristy Kirkup, The Canadian Press, CTV News
        100 years later, Vimy Ridge still casts long shadow over political landscape - Murray Brewster, CBC News
Tory steps up pressure on Wynne for budget billions - David Rider, Toronto Star
        NDP, Green buses rolling ahead of official start to B.C. campaign - The Canadian Press, Macleans
Parties kickstart B.C. election campaigns with platform launches - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
        Trudeau mum on real carbon pricing cost - Editorial, Edmonton Sun
Vancouver�s vacant home surge moves out east- Joe Friesen & Jill Mahoney, The Globe and Mail
        CRTC moves forward with plans to axe telephone subsidies to fund broadband- Emily Jackson, Financial Post

7 tips for the last-minute tax filer- Lisa Wright, Toronto Star
        �How do they get away with it?� Couple bumped from Air Canada flight booked 2 months in advance- Sophia Harris, CBC News
U.S. regulators accuse Google of underpaying female workers- CTV News


Une femme en marchette entre la vie et la mortPlus
        Fusillade dans une �cole primaire en CaliforniePlus
Double meurtre dans les Laurentides: il s'agirait d'un drame familialPlus
        SQ: pas d'enqu�te sur les journalistes sans l'autorisation des hauts sup�rieursPlus
Trudeau fustige les r�gimes nord-cor�en et syrien Plus
        Un corps retrouv� pr�s d'un chemin de campagnePlus
La touchante photo de la famille Trudeau au Cimeti�re de B�ny-sur-MerPlus
        Le Pen choque sur le r�le de la France sous l'occupation naziePlus
Les enfants d'Ivanka Trump chantent pour le pr�sident chinoisPlus
        L'�gypte se pr�pare � retrouver l'�tat d'urgence Plus
Accul� en Irak et en Syrie, l'EI s'en prend aux chr�tiens d'�gyptePlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
How Republicans Won the Battle for the Supreme Court - Fred Barnes, The Weekly Standard
        Inside the Last-Minute Secret Deal in Senate That Failed - Burgess Everett, Politico
The Unions That Like Trump - Steven Greenhouse, New York Times
        Hillary Clinton Is Not Going Away. Good. - Michelle Goldberg, Slate
President Trump Is on a Roll - Ed Rogers, Washington Post
        US navy strike group heads toward Korean peninsula- The Times Of India
Explosions hit Coptic churches in Tanta, Alexandria- Al Jazeera
        Russia to blame for Syria deaths � Sir Michael Fallon- BBC News
Paraguay�s youth mobilize against president: �Anger needs to be organised�- Laurence Blair, The Guardian
        Venezuelans clash with police in fresh anti-Maduro protest- France 24

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

US says strike hits 20 pct of Syria's operational aircraft
        US bolsters protection of forces in Syria as tensions climb
Southern EU leaders say US strike on Syria 'understandable'
        G7 energy ministers fail to agree statement on climate change: Italy
Tillerson faces tough talks in Moscow amid increased tensions
        Britain urges Putin to end support for 'toxic' Assad
G7 ministers look to persuade Russia to abandon Syria's Assad
        France's Le Pen touches nerve with comment on wartime Jewish arrests
Freight train begins first journey from Britain to China
        Despite tough talk, Turkey caught between U.S. and Russia in Syria

China envoy holds North Korea nuclear talks as US mulls options
        G7 foreign ministers seek U.S. clarity over Syria
Russia and Iran affirm commitment to Assad
        Russian naval activity in Europe exceeds Cold War levels: U.S. admiral
U.S. strike: Just a �slap on the wrist� for Assad?
        Who has chemical weapons in Syria and how?
On Syria, the U.S. confronts a moral test
        Previous                           Next 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sign Of The Times <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

From: "John Feldsted" <>
Subject: From: Glen Harewood
RE:   " BELOW(30)(30)(30)" Johns Feldsted's  missive about High Mileage Government announcements.

"....Social infrastructure is a new leftist term for their beloved socialism. The term includes all manner of structure that underpins welfare including thousands of non-profit volunteer agencies. What is disturbing is that both education and welfare are under provincial jurisdiction. Why is the federal government meddling?"

"Prime Minister announces support for high-quality, affordable child care across the country"

Failure to see  or understand what points he is trying to make, other than to proffer the past government's regressive "Action Plan," where  tax payers' money was  squandered on advertising announcements of government's programmes, on some of which there was never any "action."

 If my memory serves me correctly, Paul Martin Jr. had proposed a comprehensive country-wide child care plan which the Harper governance reversed when they first formed the government in 2006.

Many of us know of the separation of powers delineated in Sections 91 and 92 of the British North America Act (BNA), and I do not think that such jurisdictional powers were superseded or eliminated  by the 1982 Charter. We also know that for a Canadian Federation to work co-operatively, there must, or should be give-and-take in all areas where Federal and provincial jurisdiction intersect.

 Such jurisdictional, "inter-sectional" co-operation is seen in portfolios, to name a few, Health, Justice, Transportation, where the Federal government sets policy for the country as a whole, and the individual provinces administer/carry out their own health, justice, and transportation programmes. Similarly, for Canadian Income Tax collection.

It is, therefore,  rather disturbing to read that the federal government is meddling in the provinces' programmes of education and welfare! It is true that education and Social welfare programmes are administered by the provinces. But does the Federal government  not transfer to the provinces, large sums of income tax funds that it collects, on behalf of the provinces, to administer such programmes? And should there not be co-operation between the two levels of government?

Is the federal government "meddling" in provincial jurisdictions when it TRANSFERS such payments to the provinces? Are we  Ontario Canadians, Manitoba Canadians, Quebec Canadians, Alberta Canadians, OR Canadians???

 When we travel abroad,  and present our passport, does it indicate  that we are  a federal Canadian or a provincial Canadian, or merely Canadian?
Glenn Harewood

Mr. Howard is missing some important points. Under our constitutional system, the deferral government has certain responsibilities. The provincial government have a different set of responsibilities.

  •  The federal government has jurisdiction over health care in respect to military personnel, the RCMP, federal prison inmates, Aboriginals and quarantine. All other health care delivery is under provincial jurisdiction. The federal government has no mandate to set health care standards for Canada. It has done so by offering assistance with health care funding with strings attached. That is pure coercion. Federal health care funding was first proposed by Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent who passed the Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act in 1957, which offered to reimburse, or cost share, one-half of provincial and territorial costs for specified hospital and diagnostic services. This Act provided for publicly administered universal coverage for a specific set of services under uniform terms and conditions. Four years later, all the provinces and territories had agreed to provide publicly funded inpatient hospital and diagnostic services.
  • The problem is that our Westminister parliamentary system is geared to having the government closes to the service responsible. By meddling in health care, the federal government puts us in a situation where the provinces blame the federal government for not providing adequate support and the federal government blames the provinces for inefficiencies. Instead of improving health care delivery, we have two governments bickering while people suffer long waiting lists for health care.
  • In the 1960s, the federal government maintained 18 veteran�s hospitals across Canada. They provided care for people who fell under federal jurisdiction. Since then, all of those hospitals have been transferred to the provinces under service agreements.
  • Starting in 1996 through 2000, federal Finance Minister Paul Martin slashed federal transfer to provinces by $7.6 billion or 40%, which put provinces in a very difficult financial position.
  • Provinces are again facing a restriction on the amount of federal health care transfers and can only meet any shortfall through increased taxation or debt.
  • The federal government provides funding support to post-secondary institutions augmented with a system of research grants.
  • Federal transfers are inefficient. The federal government collects taxes, and has a bureaucracy to administer the tax collection and more bureaucrats to calculate and dispense the various transfers. The provincial governments have bureaucrats to track the federal transfers and disburse them to appropriate departments.
  • The latest initiative to fund day care centres is not a necessity; it is our federal government trying to buy votes with our money. No one has considered that most of the funding will go to cities. There will be little left for smaller centres and rural areas. Why do people assume that people who do not live in large urban centres have less needs than they do? The costs of training and certifying personnel to run child care centres is not taken into consideration. Calling child care �infrastructure� is plain silly. The primary responsibility for child care is still lays with parents.
 Never forget that the government that claims the power to give you everything you want also has the power to take everything you have.

John Feldsted.          
From: Larry Kazdan
To: Letters Editor
Subject: Re:  It's a lonely town as Ottawa plans the death of oil and gas, Don Braid, April 6, 2017

Don Braid is absolutely right. The federal government has responsibility for managing the national economy, and as owner of a central bank, has the tools to step in robustly. The federal government can help Alberta pull out of recession, achieve full employment, and transition to a greener economy. 
Consider that In the aftermath of Argentina's 2001 economic crisis, their government created 2 million new jobs that not only provided income for poor families, but also gave needed services to poor neighborhoods. A similar program adapted to Canada that targeted services to the aged, youth recreation, public arts and environmental conservation could be offered in Alberta (and indeed across the country).  That combined with additional monies for new energies research and accelerated infrastructure could assure that anyone who wanted a job could get one, and would certainly put Alberta on the road to recovery.
If our national government were truly as concerned with the welfare of provinces and ordinary citizens as it is with corporations like Bombardier, Ford, General Motors and the big commercial banks, then a massive jobs program would start tomorrow. 
1. William Mitchell is Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

"At the time of the 2001 crisis, the Argentinean government realised it had to adopt a domestically-oriented growth strategy. One of the first policy initiatives taken by newly elected President Kirchner was a massive job creation program that guaranteed employment for poor heads of households.
Within four months, the Plan Jefes y Jefas de Hogar (Head of Households Plan) had created jobs for 2 million participants which was around 13 per cent of the labour force. This not only helped to quell social unrest by providing income to Argentina�s poorest families, but it also put the economy on the road to recovery."

2. L. Randall Wray is a Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, NYL
               How can a country�s financial condition remain sound and stable when the state can issue money whenever needed?
"The danger of spending too much money is inflation; there might also be an impact on exchange rates. The solution to the first problem is to avoid spending more once full employment is reached; and to carefully target spending even before full employment to avoid bottlenecks. The solution to the second is to float the currency."

3.  Improving Access to Financing and Strengthening Canada's ...
"To soften the impact of the crisis, the first phase of Canada�s Economic Action Plan included measures to provide up to $200 billion to support lending to Canadian households and businesses through the Extraordinary Financing Framework."


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