Wednesday 15 July 2015



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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Cunning Tories may plan early election call � with aim of draining opponents� finances
        Tory MP Wai Young backtracks on claim CSIS knew about bomb on Air India plane

Conservative MP compares Stephen Harper government to Jesus, inspiring hilarious #CPCJesus tweets
        Ukraine crisis a threat to Canada�s security, Arseniy Yatsenyuk says
Tory minister Lynne Yelich loses party nomination in new Saskatchewan riding
        Industry Canada report paints gloomy picture of manufacturing
Newspaper apologizes for involving MP in controversy over ad
        Harper�s office attacks Mulcair, Trudeau after rate cut by Bank of Canada
Temporary Foreign Worker Program: �Stiff� new penalties coming Dec. 1
        Bank of Canada forecast threatens Conservatives� balanced budget

Stephen Poloz �confident� in second-half growth as key rate cut
        Bank of Canada cuts key rate to 0.5 per cent, slashes economic outlook
Canadian dollar plunges after Bank of Canada cuts key interest rate, TSX up
        As economy falters, Stephen Harper offers more restraint
Harper�s no-show at the consortium debates won�t hurt him a bit
        Why I didn�t endorse the Senate report on terrorism
Why all the parties are bullish on B.C.
        The Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper mutual admiration society
Conservatives and Liberals race to the ballot box on tax cuts
        Canada isn�t Greece � yet

Sobering messages for all 3 parties in byelections
        Iran�s ability to skirt nuclear deal highly overblown
Canada�s Conservatives may face unexpected hazard as economy cools
        POLL: Edmonton support boosts federal NDP hopes in Alberta
What if they set a fixed-election date and no one came?
        Conservatives and Liberals race to the ballot box on tax cuts
Parental bribe, er, benefit is in the mail!
        Alberta not likely to vote NDP in federal election
Tories spin old tax cuts as new economic stimulus
        Harper sticks with the status quo

Tories might be in trouble if voters are no longer scared of the alternatives
        Hard to argue against the bitter pill Greece must swallow
Farewell, America, Canada could learn a few things from you
        B.C.�s forest industry restructures for expected recovery

How to keep on top of federal election trends with CBC�s Poll Tracker
        Ambrose urges provinces, territories to allow feds into pharmaceutical alliance
Free trade deal with Europe hits obstacles
        Canada to �monitor� Iran situation following nuclear deal: Oliver
Canada on edge of global fight over tobacco packaging
        Bank of Canada Cut Fans Real Estate Flames
Tom Mulcair�s NDP seeks advice on preparing to govern after election
        NDP holding on to lead with 3 pillars of B.C., Ontario and Quebec
Mulcair�s NDP highest on Nanos Index for seventh straight week
        Canada ranked as �most admired� country in the world: report
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The persistent fallacy of a non-partisan Senate - Dale Smith, Leonie Politics
        Canada to keep sanctions against Iran despite nuclear deal - Campbell Clark, The Globe & Mail
Provinces can�t go it alone in setting national policies - Antonia Maioni, The Globe & Mail
        Alberta premier downplays oil price concerns after Iran nuclear deal - Ian Bickis, The Canadian Press, CTV News
Is Notley handing Quebec a veto over Energy East pipeline? - Don Braid, Calgary Herald
        Harper government dusts off Cold War playbook, pours millions into project to counter Russian influence - Murray Brewster, The Canadian Press, National Post
Hydro bills soar while green energy lags - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
        Rachel Notley follows in Alison Redford�s footsteps with Quebec talks - Kyle Bakx, CBC News
Public service union ad campaign criticizes Conservative cuts - The Canadian Press, Macleans
        It�s time for the B.C. government to truly fix TransLink - Michael Smyth, Vancouver Province

Government favours infrastructure projects to Conservative ridings - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
        Harper announces Canada-Ukraine trade deal- The Canadian Press, Toronto Star
Harper�s oil sands push made strange bedfellows in America - Jenny Uechi, National Observer
        Canada, Ukraine strike free trade deal - Steven Chase, The Globe & Mail
New NDP attack ad targets Conservatives over ethical lapses - Jason Fekete, Ottawa Citizen
        Short of options over economic �downturn,� Tories spin old tax cuts as new stimulus - Stephen Maher, National Post
A history of the baby bonus: Tories now tout benefits of program they once axed - Tristin Hopper, National Post
        B.C. party leaders stake their LNG claims - Vaughn Palmer, Vancouver Sun
Ottawa seeks public input on voluntary CPP expansion - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
        Premiers have Harper in their sights as they gather for annual conference - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star

Feds collect more than half of bad EI claims over eight years of Tory rule - Jordan Press, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        New NDP government discovers secret deal signed by Prentice Tories to help golf course - Matt McClure, National Post
Ultimate cost of cap-and-trade a mystery - Lorrie Goldstein, Toronto Sun
        Senate reform won�t be discussed when premiers meet - Mia Rabson, Winnipeg Free Press
Big banks may not follow Bank of Canada if central bank cuts rate- Craig Wong, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Even realtors are scared of what a rate cut would do to Canada�s housing market- Garry Marr, Financial Post

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Baisse du taux directeur et �conomie: r�actions politiquesPlus
        UPAC: autre perquisition � propos des compteurs d'eauPlus
Peine pour un prof qui a eu une liaison avec une �tudiantePlus
        Obama esp�re un changement d'attitude de l'Iran Plus
Crise en Gr�ce: �chauffour�es dans les rues d'Ath�nesPlus
        Le Canada, premier pays au monde, selon un sondage Plus
Harper absent: une �insulte� pour les autochtonesPlus
        Qu�bec: la province o� les femmes vivent le mieuxPlus
Une souris provoque une bousculade dans une mosqu�e Plus
        Une vid�o de l'�vasion du baron de la drogue �El Chapo�Plus

Pipeline �nergie Est: Couillard se fait rassurantPlus
        Gr�ce: Tsipras tente de faire adopter l'accord de BruxellesPlus
Pornographie juv�nile: il poss�dait 720 000 fichiersPlus
        L'inspection des rails de Lac-M�gantic n'�tait pas autoris�ePlus
Accord nucl�aire: l'Iran reste une menace pour OttawaPlus
        Appartement insalubre: malade, il veut �tre relocalis�Plus
Accord de libre-�change entre le Canada et l'UkrainePlus
        France: f�te nationale sous le signe de la menace terroriste Plus
Couillard �surpris� par la saign�e de l'emploiPlus
        Accord historique sur le nucl�aire iranienPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
A First Step Against Gerrymandering - Juan Williams, The Hill
        Why Walker Will Be Next President - Aaron Goldstein, The American Spectator
Bush on Iran Deal: This Isn�t Diplomacy�It Is Appeasement -
        Clinton: Iran Agreement an �Important Step� - James Arkin, Real Clear Politics
The Democrats� Worst Fear - Noah Rothman, Commentary
        Viewed as �Authentic,� Walker Aims for �Smart� in 2016 Race - Patrick Healy, New York Times
Clinton Unveils Economic Agenda, But Can�t Shake Wall Street Ties - Emma Roller, National Journal
        John Roberts vs. Texas Justice Don Willett - George Will, Washington Post
Should Biden Chase His Dream? - George E. Condon Jr., National Journal
        The Overlooked Key to 2016 - Walter & Wasserman, The Cook Political Report

Hong Kong student leaders charged over democracy protest- Reuters,
        Greece debt crisis: Tsipras faces eurozone deal battle- BBC
Israel�s Netanyahu calls Iran deal �a historic mistake�- France 24
        Georgia accuses Russia of violating international law over South Ossetia- Andrew North, The Guardian
Mixed reactions to �historic� Iran nuclear deal- Al Jazeera

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Tehran says nuclear accord ends �manufactured crisis�
U.S. leaks: Israel assassinated top Syrian general
Obama defends deal ahead of Congress battle
The Greek challenge and the European Union
The nuclear accord opens several alternative paths in the Middle East
The protests against the Iran deal are misplaced
U.K.: Israel wants permanent Iran standoff
Early clue on reading woes for some children
1,000 fire evacuees in western Canada can return home
Greek protesters clash with police at anti-austerity march
Obama defends Iran deal as only option to avert arms race
Obama says there are only two alternatives: diplomacy or war
Even after nuclear deal, still 'profound differences' with Iran: Obama
Unlike Cuba, US is not normalizing relations with Iran: Obama
UK's Hammond says no deal with Iran could have pleased Israel
Liberia announces second Ebola death as new outbreak spreads
Saudi media attack Iran deal as assault on Arab interests
Iran deal 'naked as emperor with no clothes,' says Israel
Israeli opposition leader to visit Washington over Iran deal
Japanese bills would expand military's role
US does not support Kurdish entity in Syria: general
Afghan peace talks 'legitimate': Taliban leader Mullah Omar
5 things to know about the Iran nuclear deal
Dissent in Greece over austerity deal grows ahead of vote
Israel must adapt to accord deal despite tough talk: analysts
Rough ride ahead for Iran nuclear agreement
French mark Bastille Day with extra security
Mystique of French foreign legion keeps drawing foreigners
After a 50-year hunt, scientists find pentaquarks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


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