Saturday 23 May 2015



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HEADLINES ACROSS CANADA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
North CTV Atlantic  CTV Montreal  CTV Ottawa  CTV Toronto CTV Northern Ontario CTV Kitchener CTV Winnipeg CTV Regina CTVSaskatoon CTV Calgary CTV Edmonton CTV British Columbia

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NATIONAL NEWSWATCH<<<<<<<<

Big Oil to Rachel Notley: Bring on a carbon tax

Liberals launch byelection campaign for Baird�s old seat
        RCMP to release �as much detail as possible� on response to Hill shooter
Canada Post free to make its own decisions, MP Denis Lebel says
        Fixed election date eroding campaign rules, ex-elections chief says

Rick Mercer catches on to Nepean High School student council DQ
        Auditor will urge Senate to send 10 misspending cases to RCMP
Bogus gaffe charge obscures legitimate debate over universal vs. targeted tax benefits
        How, and why, the Tories have suddenly reshaped leaders� debates
Network debates without Harper? No problem
        Alberta�s political polarization should worry Justin Trudeau

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE POLITICS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Takeoff to government turns bumpy for Notley - Don Braid, Calgary Herald
        Gov. Gen. David Johnston rebuffs NDP questions on Senate residency - CBC News
Kathleen Wynne says action to end teacher strikes possible over weekend - Robert Benzie & Louise Brown , Toronto Star
        Brian Mason, former bus driver who led the Alberta NDP for a decade, poised to wield real power for the first time - Jen Gerson, National Post
Harper announces spending to boost Canadian tourism in the U.S. - Bill Curry, The Globe & Mail
        Tax breaks that target small business hurt the economy more than they help - Don Cayo, Vancouver Sun
Major oil spill could cost Vancouver economy $1.2 billion: city report - Gerry Bellett, Vancouver Sun
        Time to debate changes to Montreal�s electoral system - Rene Bruemmer, Montreal Gazette
Tory�s right: No to road tolls - Editorial, Toronto Sun
        Losing the Signal: How BlackBerry�s bid to one-up the iPhone failed- Sean Silcoff & Jacquie McNish, The Globe & Mail

OPEC May Condemn the World to an Oil Glut for Years- Myra P. Saefong, MarketWatch
        Is Canada the New Switzerland? Safe reputation abroad seen driving Toronto�s condo boom- Katia Dmitrieva and Jeremy van Loon, Bloomberg News, Financial Post
Cheaper energy prices in April churn out weakest inflation rate since 2013- Andy Blatchford, The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        TFSAs aren�t just for the rich � and here�s the proof- Gordon Pape, Toronto Star
NDP asks Liberals to sever Hydro One sale from Ont. budget - The Canadian Press, CTV News
        Wynne documentary on ice after director quits amid journalistic concerns - Robert Benzie, Toronto Star
Stephen Harper, circa 2005, interviews Stephen Harper of 2015 - Scott Feschuk, Macleans
        Alberta minimum wage pledge: Proponents say benefits of $15/hour outweigh business concerns - Rick Bell, Calgary Sun
Hydro One fire sale a mistake - Editorial, Ottawa Sun
        Rule change: Senators to be blocked from business class on some flights - CTV News

Cabinet to consider commercial ships as stopgap for lack of navy supply vessels - David Pugliese, Ottawa Citizen
        Notley�s NDP removes link between swearing-in RSVP and donations - Don Braid, Calgary Herald
Experts agree: Canada is a real country (and Pierre Karl P�ladeau is wrong) - Douglas Quan, National Post
        No Smart Meter follow up if Hydro One sold: Auditor general - Antonella Artuso, Toronto Sun
Federal agriculture minister says CFIA will get to bottom of mad cow case - The Canadian Press, Winnipeg Free Press
        Ottawa shooting confusion caused by scale of police response, report says - CBC News
B.C. may consider government-backed line of credit for cash-poor seniors - Rob Shaw, Vancouver Sun
        Andre Marin is hallmark for ombudsman role - Christina Blizzard, Toronto Sun
Harper says �no legitimate reason� for Canadians to join jihadist movements - Peter Rakobowchuk, The Globe & Mail

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Tyee<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
New Poll Shows NDP Dominance on BC Coast
        Who Is BC's Big LNG Partner? A Petronas Primer
What's Behind the Cannes Flap over Flats?
        Province Forges Ahead with LNG Development
Economist Withdraws from Trans Mountain Review, Calling It 'Rigged'
        Want to Roll Back Bill C-51?
With NDP Win, Alberta Votes against 40-Year Ideological Infection
        Michael Fellman Award for Historical Writing: No Winner
After Ebola, WHO Launches New Outbreak Workforce
        Three Young Brits Take on the Mud, Sweat, and Tears of Tree Planting in This BBC Doc

On Marijuana, Harper's Politics Don't Match His Actions
        Seven Things You Need to Know About Inequality
A Know-Who-Voted Bill? Bring It On
        Why Is Canada So Slow to Provide Affordable Web Access?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Vancouver Observer<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Canadian Progressive World<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BOURQUE NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The CBC NEWS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Huffington Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Manifestation nocturne � Montr�alPlus
        Burundi: tr�ve des manifestations, un leader de l'opposition assassin�Plus
Le FRAPRU continue ses moyens de pressionPlus
        Contacts sexuels: la SPVM recherche des victimes Plus
Rappel: clous et aiguilles dans des pommes de terrePlus
        Aust�rit�: manifestation dans les rues de Montr�alPlus
L'Irlande dit �oui� au mariage gaiPlus
        Commission Charbonneau: un ex-enqu�teur rappel� � l'ordrePlus
�tats-Unis: un policier qui avait abattu deux Noirs acquitt�Plus
        Travailleurs �trangers: Qu�bec plaide � nouveauPlus

Les partis f�d�raux courtisent les maires qu�b�coisPlus
        Repentigny: quatre hommes volent 100 000$ de bijouxPlus
La Birmanie veut d�porter ses migrantsPlus
        Les forces irakiennes reprennent l'initiative face � l'EIPlus
� 65 ans, elle accouche de quadrupl�sPlus
        �tats-Unis: le S�nat rejette la r�forme de la NSAPlus
Acquitt�e en raison d'une faute des policiers � l'h�pitalPlus
        Colombie: la tr�ve des FARC suspenduePlus
Duffy: un rapport du S�nat modifi� au moins sept Plus
        Lise Thibault: la Couronne r�clame 4 ans de prisonPlus

B�b� noy�: une ado condamn�e � 40 ans de prisonPlus
        Les courriels controvers�s d'Hillary Clinton rendus publicsPlus
Justin Trudeau accepte la formule de d�bat de TVAPlus
        Pornographie juv�nile: le consentement doit �tre exempt d'exploitationPlus
Trafic de drogue � Gatineau: six personnes arr�t�esPlus
        Feu vert clignotant: Qu�bec �tend le projet-pilotePlus
Asie: premi�re op�ration birmane de sauvetage de migrantsPlus
        Un policier utilise une chaise pliante comme arme.Plus
La vague orange d�ferlerait � nouveau au Qu�becPlus


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOONIE WORLD<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Batch of Hillary Clinton Emails Captures Concerns Over Libya - Michael Schmidt, New York Times
        The magic of Bill Clinton - Brent Budowksy, The Hill
Is the American dream really dying? - Doyle McManus, Los Angeles Times
        Jeb Shifts Style, Critiques Brother - Thomas Beaumont, Real Clear Politics
Democrats� Vanishing Future - Josh Kraushaar, National Journal
        Mosques attacked in Saudi Arabia, Yemen on Shiite holy day- France 24
Gaza economy �on verge of collapse�, with world�s highest unemployment- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian
        Key Syria-Iraq border crossing falls to ISIL- Al Jazeera
Cholera infects 3,000 Burundian refugees, UN calls for help- The Associated Press, The Times of India
        Eiffel Tower suffers shutdown over pickpockets- BBC New

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE LEBANON DAILY STAR<<<<<<<<

Top US commander says ISIS actively recruiting in Afghanistan
        UN envoy: ISIS poised to become 'serious threat' in Libya
Germany declines comment on reported 'deep freeze' with US intelligence
        Cyprus' rival leaders take stroll through divided capital
Counting starts in Ireland gay marriage vote
        Netherlands plans partial ban on full-face veil in public places
Cameron: Tough times for EU ahead of U.K. membership vote
        Gaza economy on verge of collapse, World Bank says
Why a joint Arab force raises doubts
        Most Americans live in the vanishing center

Obama sells Iran deal directly to U.S. Jews
Previous                                        Next  

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> New Cold War: Ukraine and Beyond<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
* EU signs new �1.8bn bailout for Ukraine
* Canada bars Russian delegation from international meeting in Ottawa discussing weapons of mass destruction proliferation
* 'People Live Here': Documentary film on war in eastern Ukraine
* Russians answer Western criticism with newfound patriotism
* Donbass: The revolution of conscience, prospects for Novorossiyan statehood
* Moldova eyes Russia’s embrace as flirtation with Europe fades
* 'Financial Maidan' protests rock central Kyiv
* Ukraine Rada votes to lift its human rights obligations in east of the country
* New video showing Euromaidan snipers firing on police and protesters on Feb 20, 2014
* Haaretz: Ukraine to honor groups that killed Jews in World War II
* Dozens of Orthodox Church priests forced to flee Ukraine, 19 churches confiscated

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Global Research<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Real News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Press TV<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sputnick Newai<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RT network<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BBC News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Reader Supported News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Activist Post<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Consortium News<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Common Dreams<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The European Union Times - <<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>THE KYIV POST<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>4th Media<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BrasscheckTV Report<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ICH. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Canada bars Russian delegation from international meeting in Ottawa discussing weapons of mass destruction proliferation

Canada's government  is once again protecting us.  All \ Russian soldiers, eight, were expelled months ago.

Now we are being protected from a delegation to a meeting being held in Canada.

The purpose of the meeting is developed in the American Embassy release below-1-

Interestingly the Government's action is unmentioned in any paper when Googled -2-


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